1. Deskriptive
Teks descriptive/description adalah teks yang mendeskripsikan suatu benda, orang, atau tempat secara terperinci.
Struktur dari teks decriptive, yaitu:
1. Pengenalan subjek
2. Ciri-ciri subjek
Contoh teks descriptive:
Rafflesia Arnoldii
Rafflesia Arnoldii is a rare flower that is well known because of the size of the flower's petals and the smell of rotten meat that it gives out.
This enormous and rare flower grows in the forest of Southeast Asia, including the Phillipines. Its large flower can grow to 3 meters in diameter and weigh up to 11 kilograms. It does not have any leaves, stem, or roots and because of lacking clorophyls this plant can not photosynthesize making it a parasite, living on other plants nutrition. The flower has five petals red in colour and has white spots, which surrounds the middle of the flower much like a hole. At the base of the flower there is a part which has needles and contains the reproduction parts of the flower.
Rafflesia Arnoldii reproduces with the help of flies that are attracted to the flowers smell (which some observers say smells much like bad meat and rotten eggs mixed). The flower only lasts for five to seven days and then dies.
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2. Report
Teks report adalah teks yang menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu (objek, makhluk hidup, kejadian alam) secara apa adanya, sebagai hasil pengamatan yang sistematis dan berdasarkan fakta.
Ciri yang membedakan teks report dan teks descriptive adalah cara penulisannya. Teks report hanya menjelaskan topik teks secara umum, sedangkan teks descriptive menceritakan topik teks secara lebih terperinci.
Struktur teks report yaitu:
- General statement: Pernyataan awal yang menyampaikan pada pembaca mengenai topik teks secara umum
- Description: Deskripsi secara umum dari topik teks
Contoh teks report:
Tyrannosaurus rex, sometimes just called T-rex, is believed to be the largest and most fearsome predator on Earth's land ever to have existed. This dinosaur once roam the Earth in the Creataceous period approximately 68 to 65 million years ago.
As a carnivorous dinosaur, this giant predator most likely ambushed their prey, and devoured them with jaws full of white sharp teeth. With it's fast ability to run at an astonishing speed of 32 mph (50 kmh), a perfect slim and stiff tail that gave it an excellent balance and allowed it to make quick turns, equipped this gigantic predator and made it even more deadly, like a killing machine.
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3. Recount
Teks recount adalah teks yang menjelaskan atau melaporkan mengenai sebuah peristiwa atau kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dengan tujuan untuk menginformasikan atau menghibur.
Struktur teks recount, yaitu:
1. Orientation: Informasi pembuka yang dapat menjawab siapa, kapan, dan dimana.
2. Events: Urutan kejadian yang ditulis secara kronologis.
3. Reorientation: Penutup
Contoh teks recount:
My Adventure at Leang-Leang Cave
On Sunday, my parents, my best friend Novi, and I visited a cave at Maros called Leang-leang. It was my first time to visit the cave, better yet, my best friend came to visit it with me!
The cave was famous for its primitive cave wall paintings which were some hand prints and wild boar paintings. The cave and its surroundings was turned into a national park, so it was taken care of. My parents took a rest in a small hut for visitors of the park, while Novi and I adventured around the cave with a guide. We had to climb some metal stairs to get to the cave, because the cave was embedded into a small mountain. Next stop was a place where some seashells littered the ground and some were actually piled into a big mound! The guide said that these piles of seashells are called kjokkenmoddinger, or kitchen trash. The humans who lived here ate the shells and dumped the left overs in their 'kitchen'. The last place was a small museum where they have skeletons of the humans who lived in the caves. The skeletons along with some roughly made jewelry and weapons were placed inside glass cases for display. The walls of the museum were adorned with photographs taken when they did an excavation there.
After a quick lunch with Novi and my parents, we decided it was time to go back home. We really had the time of our lives!
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4. Naratif
Inti dari teks narrative seperti cerita dongeng yang kadang di bagian akhirnya diberikan moral value dari cerita yang dapat dipetik.
Bagian- bagian dari teks narrative adalah:
- Orientation : penjelasan awal, seperti pembukaan dari cerita
- Complication : masalah yang terjadi dalam cerita tersebut
- Solution : pemecahan masalah dalam cerita tersebut
- Re-orientation : penutup dari cerita
Contoh teks narrative:
Once upon a time in a far away land, lived two families called the Darlan family and the Meissner family. The Darlan family had a daughter named Naya, while the Meissner family had a son named Arman. Naya and Arman had been friends since childhood and had lived in the country side for sixteen years of their life.
Unfortunately, one day, the Darlan family was called upon by the king as the family's men were very fine blacksmiths. The Darlan family had to move to the town because of the Kings demand. So Naya and Arman for the first time said goodbye to each other. Secretly, Arman vowed to work hard so that he could also work in town and finally meet Naya again.
Two years later, Arman had mastered some skills he thought he could put in good use in the town. Fulfilling his promise, he traveled to town and started to search for Naya. It was not a hard task, Naya's father had been granted the title of Duke by the King! Hurriedly, he visited Naya's own castle, but to his dismay, Naya did not want to meet him. "Maybe she is busy," he said to himself.
His determination to meet Naya did not waver, Arman found work as a builder in town. Each day, after work he would visit Naya's castle, but each day Naya refused to meet him. A few weeks passed by, Arman became sick, sick because he could not meet the childhood friend he so dearly loved. He had abandoned his work, making his friends he made at the working place concerned.
"Go and meet him once again Arman! Maybe this time you will be in luck!" said one.
"No. Maybe I was putting too much hope for her to love me. After all, we were just childhood friends."
His friends decided to visit Naya's castle themselves, to tell her that Arman his childhood friend, who fell in love with her is in an ill state. To their surprise, Naya agreed to meet them and heared that Arman was sick.
"Tell him to go to the forest and find a wooden house," said Naya.
"And after that? What should he do my Lady?" asked one of Arman's friend.
"He will find the answer once he finds the house," answered Naya mysteriously.
The friends came back to Arman and told him about the happy news. Arman suddenly stood up from his bed and felt refreshed as though nothing has happened before.
The next day Arman journeyed to the forest and found the wooden house Naya had mentioned. An old lady, with hideous boils on her face, crooked body, and white tangled hair that was very filthy greeted Arman.
"Excuse me, is Lady Naya here? She told me to come here," asked Arman.
"No, Lady Naya is not here. But she left a message I must tell you," said the old lady with a croaky voice.
"What is it?"
"She said, if you really love her, you must prove it. And to prove it, you must marry me!"
Because of his love, the love he had felt since childhood for Naya, Arman did not hesitate to answer.
"If that is what she wants, I would do it. I would do it for love!"
Suddenly, the old lady wailed and ran towards a small lake in front of the house. She bathed her face with water and to Arman's surprise, it was Nayna staring back at him. She had cleaned the make up she was wearing and pulled of the wig she also wore to disguise herself as an old lady.
"Arman, I was only testing you. And now I know what I must do. I will share the rest of my life with you. Because, because I would do it for love!"
Arman was very happy that Naya had the same feelings for him. And so, they lived happily ever after.
Moral value: True love is very hard to find, to show it is even harder.
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5. Procedure
Teks procedure adalah teks yang menyampaikan tentang tata cara melakukan sesuatu. Cara penulisannya pada umumnya dalam bentuk poin per poin.
Struktur dari teks procedure, yaitu:
- Tujuan kegiatan
- Bahan-bahan
- Langkah-langkah
Contoh teks procedure:
How to Make Orange Tea
Ingredients: 1 orange, sweet tea, soda drink (use uncoloured soda), and ice.
Utensils: Jug, knife, spoon, and drinking glass.
1. Cut the orange into circle shapes, try to cut it thinly.
2. Put the cut orange and ice into jug.
3. Pour the soda drink into the jug.
4. Add the already prepared sweet tea.
5. Stir the ingredients in the jug well.
6. After pouring the orange tea in a glass, you can decorate the brim of the glass with left over orange pieces.
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1. Notice
Pedestrians Prohibited ! We are not allowed to walk here !
(Kita dilarang berjalan disini ! )
Keep Us Grow well
DON’T PICK ME OUT ! We are expected to look after the plant !
( Kita dimohon untuk memelihara tanaman , jangan dipetik !!! )
No Cycling on the Footpaths !
You are Prohibited to Ride Your Bike along the Paths !
( Kita dilarang untuk bersepeda sepanjang jalan ini ! )
Kindly Keep Your Door Locked All the Time !
The Guests Should not Let the Door Open !
( Tamu seharusnya tidak membiarkan pintu terbuka ! )
No Overtaking from the Left Side on the Toll Road !
We Must Not Pass from the Left !
( Kita dilarang melintas dari sebelah kiri ! )
Danger , Keep Out ! Do not enter this Place !
( Jangan masuk ke tempat ini , bahaya ! )
Life Vest Under Your Seat !In Case of Emergency You Can Get the Life Vest under Your Seat !
( Dalam keadaan darurat, kamu dapat mengenakan rompi penolong (pelampung ) di bawah tempat
dudukmu ! )
ICU ( INTENSIVE CARE UNIT ) The Room is Only for Critical Patient !
( Ruangan ini hanya untuk merawat pasien kritis ! )
No Animals are Allowed in the Hotel !Bringing animals during the stay in the hotel is forbidden !
(Dilarang membawa binatang selama menetap di hotel )
Don’t Leave Children under Five Year Unattended !
The Parents Should Watch Their under Five Year Old Children !
( Orang tua harus mengawasi anak-anak mereka yang berumur di bawah lima tahun ! )
Examination is in Progress !You Have to be Quiet because the Test is Being Held !
( Kamu harus tenang/diam karena sedang ada ujian/test ! )
Always Swim between Two Red Yellow Flags !You Have to Swim at the Area between the Two Red Yellow Flags!
( Kamu harus berenang di wilayah antara dua bendera warna kuninh merah ! )
Ngurah Rai Airport To Tell People to Fetch the Passengers.
( Memberitahu orang untuk menjemput para penumpang )
NO ADMITTANCE Other People Must not Enter It.
(Orang lain lain dilarang masuk )
FOR OFFICERS ONLY ! Only Officers that are Allowed to Enter the Room.
( Hanya petugas yang diijinkan memasuki ruangan )
NO LITTERING ! Do not Throw the Rubbish Here !
( dilarang membuang sampah di sini )
NO ENTRY ! We are not Allowed to Come in to the Place!
( Kita tidak diijinkan memasuki ruangan / tempat ini )
2. Greeting Card
3. Short Message
4. Invitation Card
5. Announcement
6. Advertisement
7. Label
8. Letter
9. Manual
10. Nutrition Facts
Familiar words/sentences in UN
1. | Read the text … | Bacalah teks… |
2. | The following …. | Berikut ini … |
3. | What ….. mean ? | Apa artinya / maksudnya … ? |
4. | Announcement | Pengumuman |
5. | Notice | Pemberitahuan / peringatan |
6. | According to…. | Menurut … |
7. | Answer the … | Jawablah … |
8. | Questions | Pertanyaan |
9. | What is the … about ? | Tentang apa … ? |
10. | The underlined word …. | Kata yang digarisbawahi … |
11. | Study the text.. | Pelajarilah teks … |
12. | What does the word … refer to ? | Menunjukan apa, kata … ? |
13. | What is the main idea .. . ? | Apa pikiran utama … ? |
14. | ……., except … | …., kecuali … |
15. | What is the purpose of … ? | Apa tujuan dari … ? |
16. | The synonym of the word … | Padanan kata … |
17. | Which ….. is NOT TRUE … ? | … yang mana yang tidak betul … ? |
18. | ….. above. | … di atas |
19. | … paragraph.. ? | … paragraph /teks ? |
20. | The writer … | Penulis … |
21. | …. The text | … bacaan / teks |
22. | Advertisement | Pengumuman |
23. | … can be replaced by … | … dapat diganti dengan .. |
24. | Choose the … | Pilihlah … |
25. | Suitable … | Yang sesuai / cocok |
26. | Below | Di bawah ini |
27. | The opposite meaning … | Lawan kata / antonim |
28. | … closely meaning… | Arti yang sama / dekat dengan .. |
29. | Card | Kartu |
30. | message | Pesan |
1. | Arrange… / arrangement | Susunlah… / susunan |
2. | It means … | Ini berarti … |
3. | The word … refer to … | Kata … menunjukan … |
4. | Take place | berlangsung |
5. | … based on .. | … berdasarkan … |
6. | What can we learn from … ? | Apa yang dapat kita pelajarari dari .? |
7. | … to complete … | …untuk melengkapi … |
8. | Which … is TRUE… ? | … yang mana yang betul … ? |
9. | … correct… | … Betul … |
10. | Uncorrect .. | Salah … |
11. | … true … | …Betul… |
12. | … false … | …salah … |
13. | Sentence | Kalimat |
14. | word | Kata |
15. | The best | Terbaik |
16. | More | Lebih banyak / lebih |
17. | The most | Terbanyak / paling |
18. | Find | Menemukan |
19. | Make | Membuat |
20. | To invite | Untuk mengundang |
21. | To describe | Untuk menggambarkan |
22. | To announce | Untuk mengumumkan |
23. | To retell | Untuk menceritakan kembali |
24. | To inform | Untuk menginformasikan |
25. | To explain | Untuk menjelaskan |
26. | To congratulate | Untuk memberi selamat |
27. | The same meaning as … | Arti yang sama dengan … |
28. | place | tempat |
29. | Advertisement | Iklan |
30. | invitation | undangan |
Question words
Kata Tanya | Arti | Penggunaan |
Who | Siapa | Manusia ( subjek ) |
Whom | Siapa | Manusia ( Objek ) |
What | Apa | Bukan Manusia |
What Time | Jam Berapa | Jam |
Where | Di/Kemana | Tempat |
When | Kapan | Waktu |
Whose | Milik Siapa | Kepemilikan |
Which | Yang Mana | Pilihan |
How | Bagaimana | Keadaan |
How many | Berapa banyak | Benda yg dpt dihitung |
How Much | Berapa Banyak / Harga | Benda yg tak dpt dihitung |
How old | Berapa Umur | Umur |
How Fast | Seberapa Cepat | Kecepatan |
How Long | Berapa Lama | Lamanya Waktu |
How Often | Berapa Kali | Tingkat Keseringan |
How Many Times | Berapa Kali | Tingkat Keseringan |
How Far | Seberapa Jauh | Jarak |
Why | Mengapa | Alasan |